The Essential AfterCare for Scalp Micro Pigmentation

One of the modern-day solutions for hair loss is scalp micro pigmentation. Whilst we have many other options, such as hair transplantation or medication, scalp micro pigmentation has taken the front-row seat. It is all due to the non-invasive nature of the treatment. 

Besides, people feel comfortable with scalp micro pigmentation in Melbourne because it gives faster results with a low-risk profile. All one needs is the best before and after care, as it decreases the chance of adverse effects, including discoloration or infection. 

So the question: What is the necessary aftercare for SMP?

Let us discuss everything in this blog post. 

1. Ensure a Dry Scalp

One of the primary aftercare for your SMP is keeping your scalp dry. After each scalp micro pigmentation in Melbourne, you must ensure your scalp does not get wet for a minimum of four days. You may experience a bit of itchy scalp or redness, but do not worry; it will subside eventually. 

If you are too concerned about the redness or itchiness, you can consult your SMP practitioner for guidance. You may also wear a loose and soft hat during this phase if it is more comfortable. 

The bottom line is that your scalp needs time to heal after each session. In this healing period, you must keep anything wet or irritating away from your scalp. 

2. Do Not Sweat Much

This aftercare also falls along the same lines as keeping your scalp dry. Excessive sweating can dislodge the pigment and spread it unevenly, which affects the final result. Hence, avoid excessive physical activity or exercising for the time being — at least five days after your scalp micro pigmentation in Melbourne.

When your scalp sweats, use a paper or cloth towel and gently blot the sweat. Most importantly, refrain from rubbing the scalp with a towel. 

Your SMP professional will give precise instructions to minimize the risk of complications and ensure proper healing. If you have any doubts or concerns regarding the procedure or instructions, ask away immediately and get clarification. 

3. Stay Away From Pools and Hot Tubs

It may come off as a bit of a downer, but you have to resist getting into swimming pools and hot tubs. The high levels of chlorine could affect the pigment on your scalp. It goes a little beyond temporary aftercare.

So, professionals advise not to use pools and hot tubs for at least a month. After that, you may go for an occasional dip, but within this period, you should avoid them at any cost. 

Also, it is good to use a high-factor — preferably 50 — sunscreen lotion. It can prevent the result of your scalp micro pigmentation in Melbourne from fading too much. 

4. Do Not Shave Until Four Days

Another essential aftercare is not to shave your scalp within four days. You can shave after that but even then, you must be extremely careful not to touch any scabs. It is possible to have scabs on your scalp after your scalp micro pigmentation in Melbourne, and shaving on those scabs is a bad idea. 

In addition, you must also avoid peeling the scabs off your scalp. It compromises the results of your treatment. 

For more precise advice, you must talk to your SMP artist. Depending on your case, they can tell you the shaving essentials after the treatment. For example, using an electronic shaver instead of a blade is better. 

5. Use a Mild Shampoo

Of course, you should not get your scalp wet for the first four days after your treatment. But after that, you can shower with a mild sulfate-free shampoo. Sulfate shampoos can cause dryness, flaking, irritation, and color fading. 

That is why experts of scalp micro pigmentation in Melbourne recommend using a sulfate-free shampoo. They may also recommend particular shampoo specially formulated for sensitive scalps. It helps maintain the longevity of your treatment. 

More importantly, avoid hot water and go with lukewarm water. Using hot water can make your scalp sweat. So, refrain from using too hot water. 

6. Do Not Expose to Direct Sunlight

Sunlight is another thing that can affect your scalp pigmentation. Its UV rays can lead to sunburn and pigment breakdown, so you must avoid getting into direct sunlight for at least a week. Wear a hat or scarf if necessary, but avoid it at any cost. 

Some professionals even recommend it for up to four weeks. Your technician will let you know the necessity of your treatment. It is extremely important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your expert in scalp micro pigmentation in Melbourne, as it ensures better healing and results. 

7. No Scalp Touching 

Finally, many people make the mistake of constantly touching their scalp after treatment. It can increase the risk of infection. Hence, you must avoid touching your scalp with your hands. 

Final Say

After 7 days of the treatment, your scalp will return to normal. Then you can get back to your routine as always. However, you may still continue some of these care guidelines as part of your long-term maintenance. 

One last piece of advice is to research thoroughly before deciding on an SMP or hair transplant practitioner. The technician is the most important factor in your scalp micro pigmentation in Melbourne. So, take your sweet time and find the perfect one. 


Lion Mane SMP is an excellent choice for scalp micro pigmentation. You can check out their services and see if they fit your requirements. 

We hope you remember these essential SMP aftercare guidelines and have a fast recovery.