Tiziano Scarabelli MD is All Heart

It is an accomplishment to dedicate one’s life to a worthwhile pursuit. For Tiziano Scarabelli MD, however, it has been not merely a dedication, but a passionate pursuit. It is also one that hasn’t yet stopped, and when it comes to a life’s work, Tiziano Scarabelli MD is all heart.

That, of course, is said tongue in cheek as this cardiologist by education and trade has done more than pursue a vocation in cardiology. Some have written papers. Some have made educational videos. Some have become involved in research. And when it comes to heart health, Tiziano Scarabelli MD has done all this and more.

From award-winning papers to being the recipient of many accolades and awards, Tiziano Scarabelli MD has also pursued his passion with success. While many medical professionals have pursued careers in a particular field, few have done so much within a single field.Tiziano Scarabelli MD, has been a student and completed his internship. He has been a practicing cardiologist. He has written published papers, given instruction, and has taught at Johns Hopkins. Yes, all in the field of cardiology. 

Tiziano Scarabelli MD: About the Heart Then and Now

It shouldn’t be surprising to learn Tiziano Scarabelli MD has more recently turned his focus to oncology, specifically, cardiac oncology. For a man who has dedicated his life to promoting the health of the body’s most vital organ, it only makes sense that his focus would shift to protecting the heart too.

That is also where we can find the doctor Scarabelli today, working as a researcher in the fight against heart disease. Although there is plenty of road ahead for the doctor, don’t be surprised if you find him still invested and involved in heart health years from now. It is the future of heart care that Tiziano Scarabelli MD is working on, and that is bad news for heart disease and cancer and good news for the rest of us.

Tiziano Scarabelli MD and the Future of Heart Care

There have been some incredible advancements in heart care and procedures over the past few decades. It isn’t uncommon to see someone following a major heart surgery today, living a healthy, happy, full and active life. A newer field of study in cardiology, cardio-oncology is yet another step in the progression of heart care.

The statistics reveal that treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy are major underlying causes of morbidity within the oncologic population. Numbers like these aren’t foreign to doctor Scarabelli, and they are a driving force behind his most recent pursuits in the arena of heart health. Doctor, researcher, and teacher Tiziano Scarabelli MD is all heart, and he has a lifetime of work and achievements already to prove it.