Seven Common Dental Problems in Children

Parents always want the best for their kids, including good oral health. It is imperative to promote healthy oral hygiene in children from the first tooth growth. Many pediatric dental issues are the same as adult dental problems. However, since teeth are still growing, children are more vulnerable to problems. Untreated dental issues often lead to bad oral health and misplaced teeth. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain early, proactive, and preventative care. Consulting with a pediatric dentisty expert is an excellent approach to ensuring the best dental care for children. These dental issues are prevalent in kids

  1.   Tooth Decay

One of the most common pediatric dental issues is cavities. Bacterial accumulation causes plaque, which eats away at the teeth’ enamel and causes cavities. Fortunately, tooth decay can be avoided by brushing and flossing regularly. It is also essential to choose a healthy diet that excludes sugary foods and carbohydrates.

  1.   Tooth Sensitivity

Another annoying dental issue in kids is Tooth Sensitivity. It can result from various causes, such as cavities, teeth grinding, a new eruption of teeth, enamel damage, a cracked filling, braces, etc. It is essential to take the child for biannual checkups to detect the root cause of the problem and prevent it from getting worse.

  1.   Bad Breath

Halitosis, a term used to describe the problem of foul breath, affects both adults and kids. However, there could be a severe problem if a child has lingering foul breath throughout the day. The buildup of oral bacteria releases odorous hydrogen sulfide while feeding on the leftover food and dental plaque, causing bad breath. Other factors that contribute to the problem are dry mouth, poor dental hygiene, digestive problems, dehydration, and the intake of medications. Practicing healthy oral hygiene and regularly consulting with a pediatric dentistry expert are the best ways to fight this problem.

  1.   Over-retention of baby teeth

Kids often suffer from the problem of over-retention of infants’ teeth. This causes a delay in the eruption of the permanent tooth. Some reasons behind this dental issue are jaw misalignment, gum blockages, injury, infection, and oral pathology. Tooth over-retention can lead to dental issues, including deterioration. However, orthodontics can remove the baby’s tooth and fix any further issues, like misalignment of teeth.


  1.   Gum Diseases

One of the most severe dental issues is gum disease, often known as gingivitis. The root cause of this issue is poor oral hygiene, which can ultimately lead to tooth loss if left unchecked. Plaque buildup around the base of the teeth irritates the gums, resulting in swelling and redness. The gum lines become loose and cause bleeding, especially after brushing or flossing.

  1.   Teeth Grinding

Children often develop the terrible habit of bruxism, also known as teeth grinding. This could result from stress, a pain reflex, or crooked teeth. Although bruxism generally doesn’t require treatment, if it continues, it can deteriorate both primary and secondary teeth. The grinding habit also causes jaw discomfort, headaches, and tooth sensitivity. A pediatric dentist often recommends a nightguard to address the regular nighttime teeth grinding.

  1.   Emergency treatment

Sometimes, due to recklessness, kids suffer a physical injury that results in tooth damage, such as falling off a trampoline or stumbling while sprinting downstairs. A pediatric dentist can take care of a child’s emergency dental needs if a tooth, or several teeth, are accidentally knocked out or seriously damaged.


Regular pediatric dentistry consultations are essential since the dentist can identify any early-stage oral problems. Early detection of dental issues allows for easy treatments, and kids suffer less. Besides treating immediate concerns, pediatric dentists also focus on instructing kids on good dental habits to help them avoid future oral and dental issues.