How to Handle Feeding a Fussy Toddler?

Feeding a Fussy Toddler

Parenting a fussy toddler can be challenging. They seem to have endless energy and are always on the go, but when it comes time to eat, they suddenly become very picky. It can be hard to know what to do when your child doesn’t want to eat anything you give them. In this article, we will discuss some tips for coping with a fussy toddler and getting them to eat!

1. Try Different Foods

One of the best ways to deal with a fussy toddler is to try different foods. Toddlers can be picky eaters, but that doesn’t mean they don’t like anything. It’s important to keep offering them new foods and giving them a variety of options. You might be surprised at what they’ll eventually eat! If your child is really refusing to eat, you can try hiding healthy foods in their favorite dishes. For example, if they don’t like plain milk, consider adding Horlicks for the baby to make it a tasty and nutritious drink.

2. Be Patient

It can be frustrating when your toddler rejects everything you offer them, but it’s important to be patient. They will eventually eat something, even if it’s not what you initially wanted them to eat. It’s also important to remember that toddlers have small stomachs, so they can’t eat as much as adults. As a result, they might not be very hungry, which is why they refuse to eat. If you’re struggling to get your toddler to eat, try offering smaller meals more often throughout the day.

3. Avoid Mealtime Battles

One of the worst things you can do is get into a battle with your toddler over food. This will only make them more resistant to eating and will make mealtime a stressful experience for both of you. If your child refuses to eat, don’t force them. Instead, simply take away their plate and try again at the next meal. Eventually, they will get hungry enough to eat something. And if you are worried about why your kiddo is a picky eater, consider talking to your pediatrician.

To Conclude

We hope these tips will be helpful the next time you’re struggling to get your toddler to eat. Remember, every child is different, and with a bit of time and effort, you’ll eventually find a way to get your toddler to eat.