5 Ways to Boost Healthy Weight Loss

If you are carrying a few extra pounds, then you may be looking for ways to lose weight quickly. Weight loss can be very beneficial, and can lead to an improved figure, better self-esteem, more energy and less aches and pains. However, losing weight too quickly can be bad for you, so it’s always best to steer clear from fad diets or meal replacements and instead lead a healthier lifestyle so that your body can lose fat at a healthy pace. Here are some top tips to help kick-start your weight loss:

Cut Out Carbs:

Eating too many carbohydrates can cause you to pile on weight quickly, especially if you are not doing enough exercise to burn it all off. Avoid too many simple, starchy carbs such as white bread and pasta; instead opt for healthier, whole-wheat versions or substitute them with vegetables.

Eat Healthy Fats:

Contrary to popular belief, healthy fats found in foods such as avocado, olive oil and even some nuts and seeds are actually good for your health and will help you to lose weight. These kinds of fats work by helping to keep you feeling fuller for longer, curbing cravings and keeping your appetite in check. Steer clear of ‘bad’ fats found in processed foods and unhealthy cuts of meat such as bacon or sausages.

Take Supplements

There are a range of supplements which you can take in order to help speed up your weight loss. You don’t have to go for weight-loss specific ones, either. Arrange for a blood test to see exactly which vitamins and minerals you’re deficient in; taking supplements accordingly can help.

Join the Gym:

When paired with a healthy diet, you can start to see some excellent results from regular exercise. Going to the gym for just half an hour per day, for example, can quickly help you to gain strength and boost your overall fitness. Cardiovascular exercise is essential for a healthy heart and lungs, and high intensity interval training can kick-start a sluggish metabolism. Strength training will help you lose weight and improve your figure by converting fat to muscle. It’s a good idea to consult with your doctor or get professional pharmacist tips before starting a new workout plan.

Stay Hydrated:

Did you know that many of the times that you feel hungry, you are actually thirsty? If your body is getting dehydrated, then you could mistake your thirst for hunger and end up eating more than you really need. Quenching your thirst with drinks such as soda, juice or even coffee might work momentarily, but won’t be as effective as water is for rehydrating you and filling you up. For the best results, you should always aim to drink around 2 liters per day of pure water. Not only will this help you to lose weight, but it’ll also improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails.

There is no healthy way to lose weight very quickly, however, doing these five things will help your body achieve its best potential.