Invisalign in Sheffield for clean teeth and a beautiful, happy smile

There are many different factors that can affect the appearance of your smile, and having crooked teeth is one of them. If you have crooked or misaligned teeth, it is more than likely that you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile and wish to do something about it. Most adults with crooked or misaligned teeth have avoided orthodontic treatment when they were younger because they were reluctant to wear traditional braces. Traditional braces are very effective at straightening teeth; however, they are also highly visible when worn.

Patients who suffer from dental anxiety are often put off by the thought of traditional braces. Patients who are unhappy with the appearance of their smiles also avoid traditional braces because they are likely to draw unwanted attention to their mouths. This means that there is a significant percentage of the adult population suffering from crooked or misaligned teeth. If you want to improve the appearance of your smile but do not like the thought of traditional braces, you will be pleased to know that there are many options available for you, thanks to the significant advances in dental technology.


One of the most popular methods of straightening teeth in this modern generation is with Invisalign in Sheffield. Invisalign has been available for the last two decades and has already treated more than 14 million smiles across the world. Invisalign can be used by patients of all ages and even as early as six years old. It is used by self-conscious teenagers who want to straighten their teeth without drawing attention to their mouths and more commonly by adult patients who, as mentioned earlier, have avoided orthodontic treatment when they were younger but now wish to straighten their teeth.

Invisalign can be used for orthodontic issues or simply to improve the aesthetic issues affecting the appearance of their teeth. If you have crooked, protruding, overlapping or overcrowded teeth, speak to your dentist about Invisalign. Invisalign can address all of these issues as well as bite disorders such as overbites, underbites and crossbites. It can treat all types of orthodontic issues, other than those that require teeth to be rotated, to improve the alignment.

Benefits of Invisalign

Within 12 to 18 months, Invisalign can improve your dental health and the appearance of your smile. As your teeth are straightened, they will become easier to clean and maintain. Your brush can reach a greater area of each tooth, and floss thread can reach in between each tooth to remove bacteria and lingering food particles; this helps to keep your teeth clean and your breath fresh. If you do not brush your teeth properly, food particles and bacteria can mix with the saliva and form a sticky layer on the surface of your teeth known as plaque. Plaque can harm your teeth, affecting their teeth. Bacteria in the plaque secrete acids and toxins that damage your teeth and gums. Plaque also makes your teeth look yellow, unbrushed and unattractive.

If you straighten your teeth with Invisalign, you can reduce lingering bacteria and food particles in your mouth, which means there is less chance of developing plaque on your teeth. Your teeth will remain healthy and strong while looking clean and white. Speak to your dentist and find out more about Invisalign today.

To be eligible for Invisalign, you must have healthy teeth and gums. Your dentist will examine your teeth and gums to make sure there are no signs of tooth decay or gum disease. If there is, then they will need to be treated before you straighten your teeth; otherwise, it could cause unnecessary complications, and you may not be able to achieve the results you are looking for. This is why your dentist will need to make sure you are ready to straighten your teeth before you do so. Invisalign has a success rate of more than 97%, which means nearly everybody is happy with the results they achieve.

Speak to your dentist and begin straightening your teeth sooner rather than later so that you can be happy with smiling more confidently and bring positivity into your life.