Getting Invisalign to enhance your smile

Everyone knows the importance of having good oral health and while you may have an excellent dental hygiene routine and visit your dentist on a regular basis, you might still be unsatisfied with the way your smile looks. There are many diverse factors which can have a negative effect on the aesthetics of your teeth including teeth that are misaligned, crooked, crowded and teeth that protrude. These issues can have an adverse effect on how you look when you smile and as a result, may affect your self-confidence and have a negative impact on other aspects of your life. This may leave you searching for an urgent solution, but do not worry as Invisalign Luton is the perfect way to improve how your smile looks.

Have you avoided getting braces?

There are many adults who have for some reason or another avoided getting some form of orthodontic treatment when they were younger. However, they may now be considering improving the alignment and appearance of their teeth in their adulthood. While some people may be under the impression that orthodontics are only suitable during teenage years, this couldn’t be further from the truth. There is no need to settle with the way your teeth look as innovations in dental technology have made orthodontic treatment much more convenient, comfortable and accessible than in previous years. Adults have been put off by the mere thought of standard braces which are made out of highly visible stainless steel metal wires and brackets. Due to this widespread reluctance amongst adults, dentists have come together to develop Invisalign which is a revolutionary invention designed to straighten your teeth similarly to how metal braces do, but in a much more discreet manner.

What is Invisalign and why is it so popular?

Invisalign was introduced to patients over two decades ago and has since attracted many hundreds and thousands of patients who are looking to correct the aesthetic issues they face with their teeth. As the name suggests, Invisalign is an invisible orthodontic treatment which consists of transparent, plastic aligners that work to correct the alignment of the teeth gradually over time.

Due to its discreet nature, Invisalign is an attractive alternative to traditional braces especially in adults who have increased self-consciousness and are put off by the visibility of metal wires and brackets in their mouth.

When choosing to get Invisalign, your dentist will have to carry out a full examination of your mouth to ensure you have no underlying issues which may interfere with the treatment or be aggravated by the treatment itself. It is also important to note that your teeth and gums must be in a healthy and clean condition for you to be eligible for the treatment. Once the dentist is assured that your teeth are clean and healthy they will carry out a series of X-rays and three-dimensional scans of your teeth to determine how your teeth will shift over the course of the treatment and what a successful treatment can do for your teeth. These X-ray and 3D images can also help to create an assortment of aligners which are individually tailored to your mouth which you will wear consecutively throughout your treatment. They will be designed specifically to provide comfort and accuracy of the treatment so that your teeth can shift to the correct positions. You will be expected to wear each set of aligners for around two weeks, a period during which they will gradually cause the teeth to migrate into the correct positions.

How do I look after my aligners?

Visiting the dentist during the course of your treatment will help ensure that your teeth are moving correctly and that no underlying issues are occurring in the meantime. The duration of the treatment will depend on the extent of movement necessary to achieve the smile that you are looking for; each individual case differs in duration, wholly dependent on the severity of your original dental alignment and how much the teeth need to move to become cohesive.

It is important to take care of your aligners properly so that they do not become damaged and lose their function. Be sure to remove your aligners before eating or drinking and brushing your teeth; this helps to reduce the chance of your aligners snapping. It is also important to avoid drinking hot beverages when wearing your aligners in case they become deformed or melt due to the heat.