Why Should We Rid of Toxin And Stop Driving After Smoking Cannabis

We don’t want to start this particular article by stating numerous studies and reports from certified and relevant universities. It is essential to understand how weed affects your cognitive and motor skills before you enter to drive.

Most experts agree to the fact that weed impairs your judgment and therefore, you should avoid driving under the influence. You should wait at least four hours after smoking to start operating without side effects. Driving high is a form of impaired driving, and your ability to drive safely will reduce after smoking a joint.

One of the leading causes of injuries and deaths in North America is due to impaired driving. For example, in Canada, there is a drug-impaired driving offense every three hours.

If you are guilty of a car accident and authorities want to conduct hair follicle drug test to check whether you’re using anything, we recommend you to enter this website: https://cleardrugtests.com/products/toxin-rid-10-day-detox-review/ because you can find out how to get rid of toxins and reduce the hassle of getting a positive test.

Some people still believe that using marijuana is not as dangerous as drunk driving. However, in 2010, 34% of deaths in road crashes were due to drug driving, while only 3% was due to drunk driving. So before you decide to start up your car and get behind the wheel, it is essential to understand the effects marijuana has on driving skills.

Is It Safe To Drive After Smoking A Joint?

The primary thing that we have to mention here is that: It is not safe to drive after smoking weed. Apart from the idea that you will get a reduced ability to react, you will also risk of involving other people around you in a car accident too.

People who drive after smoking a joint, maybe twice as likely to get involved in a car accident when compared with people who haven’t consumed marijuana. The question is: how long should you wait until you get to your wheels?

To get comprehensive answer on the question from above, you should check here.

We recommend you to avoid driving for at least four hours after inhalation, six hours after ingestion and up to eight hours if you are experiencing high or euphoria. The problem exists in our heads and the society that we live in because drivers have the perception that marijuana is a safe solution for drivers.

The acceptance of marijuana based on recent laws in the USA promoted the usage among people of all ages, which caused teens to drive intoxicated way more than before. In one survey, 90% of drivers stated that they have been using marijuana and drove afterward, or have been in a vehicle driven by someone who had used it.

Risks Of Driving High

If you are a frequent marijuana user, you will have more two times more chances to crash when compared with people that are not impaired. The reasons for that can vary and include:

  • Risk of killing or hurting yourself, someone inside your car or other innocent strangers around you.
  • Risk of entering a car crash
  • Chance of getting arrested, having license suspended and paying a significant fine
  • Chance of getting convicted and increasing criminal record

Studies have shown that THC in the blood can cause impairment and reduced ability to drive. Have in mind that weed is still a drug that alters your reality, and it is one of the most found medications in drives that involved in fatal car accidents.

If you don’t know how combination of alcohol and weed affects human mind and motor skills, visit this website: https://tonic.vice.com/en_us/article/aey385/what-mixing-weed-and-alcohol-does-to-your-mind.

However, still the popularity and role of weed in these accidents are not always apparent, because marijuana stays in our system for weeks after chronic use, and for days after occasional use. Therefore, no test would determine whether the driver used it before he sat in the car.

Apart from that, one study has shown that a combination of alcohol and marijuana, will provide you with combined effects on driving, which is the worst thing that you can do. When high amounts of THC get in contact with low doses of alcohol, the driving performance will suffer significantly.

On the other hand, low doses of THC and alcohol will cause moderate impairment, but still, you should avoid using both of them while driving.