Understanding the Process of a Hysterectomy

No matter what surgical procedure you go through, it is important to do as much research as possible beforehand, so you can get an idea of what to expect and what to prepare for. Here are a few things to help you understand the process of a hysterectomy.

What is a Hysterectomy?

The reason for a hysterectomy is to remove the uterus (the womb). A hysterectomy can help treat a variety of conditions such as heavy bleeding, pelvic pain, as well as the removal of non-cancerous tumors. Depending on the circumstance, you may have the option to have your cervix or ovaries removed too. However, your medical history and doctor’s notes will be taken into consideration beforehand, as well as consent from yourself.

Types of Hysterectomy’s

There are several types of hysterectomies that are used to treat your condition. The most common is a total hysterectomy, which removes the womb and cervix. A subtotal hysterectomy removes the womb and leaves the cervix. Another route to go down is a radical hysterotomy, which involves removing the womb as well the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and surrounding tissues. Your doctor will explain to you which route is best, ensuring you feel confident and prepared for the procedure to take place.

The Procedure

A hysterectomy can take place in a variety of ways. If your womb is removed via the top of the vagina, this is known as a vaginal hysterectomy, whereas an abdominal hysterectomy occurs when the womb is removed through an incision in the lower abdomen. If several cuts need to be made in your abdomen, this procedure is known as a laparoscopic hysterectomy (otherwise known as keyhole surgery). It is also important to factor in that whilst rare, complications can occur during the procedure, such as heavy bleeding or damage to your organs. If you have any queries on how the procedure takes place, ensure you do as much research as you can before your surgery, such as reading reviews from others who have had the procedure.

Surgery Aftermath

As a hysterectomy is classed as a major operation, it is essential to get as much rest as possible once you are out of surgery. Patients typically spend around five days in the hospital before being allowed home, where you will need an additional 6-8 weeks to fully recover. It is important that you have plans put in place to ensure your recovery period is taken care of. You will need the assistance of friends and family to help you with daily tasks, as well as take time off work.  It is important that you give yourself time to allow your muscles to heal and to help speed up your recovery. You may also need hormone replacement therapy after your hysterectomy. Websites such as livelongstayyoung.com can give you more information on hormone therapy and whether it will be needed for you.

If you need more information on a hysterectomy, speak to your OB-GYN surgeon and ensure you thoroughly research online for extra guidance and help.