Things to Avoid After Having Botox in the Forehead

So many cosmetic procedures are done in Toronto and the most popular one at the moment is facial botox cincinnati oh. The toxin injection may be your perfect anti-aging solution for frown lines and wrinkles on the forehead. However, the secret to getting the most out of the cosmetic procedure is knowing/understanding what to do (as well as not to do) to avoid any side effect or complication.

While Botox comes with so many benefits, a single mistake may mess up your forehead. So, it’s necessary to follow the aftercare tips that your specialist recommend. In that respect, here are 8 things you should avoid immediately after Botox in Toronto:

  1. Lying Face-Down

If you are planning to take a quick nap immediately after Botox, you’ll have to postpone the idea for a few hours. This is because sleeping, especially face-down, may unsettle the Botox toxin and it may shift to unintended parts resulting in swelling and other undesired effects.

  1. Excess Alcohol

Excess alcohol has blood-thinning properties. It tends to promote bruising on the forehead and thus should be avoided immediately after Botox. In fact, you should abstain from alcohol for a few days after the procedure.

  1. Smoking

For the first two days, you should stay away from smoking as it cancels the effects of the Botox toxin. Remember, smoking causes wrinkling and aging spots; so it doesn’t make sense to do it immediately after Botox.

  1. The Gym

After your Botox procedure, you have to avoid any kind of strenuous activity for at least 24 hours. This means that no heading to the gym until the next day. Working out may cause the Botox to shift or move, which leads to side effects like bruising and inflammation.

  1. Skin Manipulation

Aggressive skin manipulation techniques like dermal abrasion and laser hair removal are not gentle to Botox injections. Thus, you need to avoid them after your procedure. Not only will they cause the Botox to shift but may also cause disturbing effects such as redness and swelling on the forehead.

  1. Massaging the Forehead

It’s tempting to try to massage the forehead following some form of discomfort related to Botox. However, this is never a good idea since it interferes with the toxin. Basically, it may lead to bruising and may slow down the healing process.

  1. Blood-Thinning Medications

Taking drugs such as Aspirin, Advil, and Ibuprofen exposes your forehead to bruising and this interferes with the end results. You basically need to avoid any prescription that exposes your body to high heat levels. You should talk to your doctor about it, just to be sure.

  1. Excess Heat

Lastly, you should avoid prolonged sun exposure or a hot bath for at least 24 hours following a Botox procedure. This is because excess heat exposes you to bruising and swelling risks.


The chances of a successful Botox in Toronto depend on what you do after the procedure. Of course, there are other factors such as pre-procedure practices and expert experience. With the above guide, you should be able to improve your chances of having a successful Botox.