Facts and Details about Addiction

Everyone in this world has this basic idea that addictions are bad and harmful. They are considered to be harmful and dangerous because they have been known to cause psychological, social, physical and financial problems. The everyday function of life becomes difficult for an addict. In this particular article, we will be looking into some of the facts and details of addiction which people usually do not know about.

Facts about Addiction: Some of the facts of addiction which people usually do not know about include.

  • Unpredictable: Addiction is actually considered to be unpredictable. A person may never get to know when they actually became an addict of a certain substance.
  • Co-Occurring Disorder: Another fact about addiction is the fact that people suffer from co-occurring disorders which basically means that a person who is an addict usually does suffer from one or the other mental health condition.
  • Relapse: Another important fact about addiction is that people usually relapse a lot during the starting stages of recovery from addiction.
  • Treatable: One more fact which people should remember is that addiction is a disease which can be cured.

Now let us take a look into some of the Co-occurring disorders in details. The co-occurring disorders which every addict suffers from include:

  • Anxiety: People who are addicts usually suffer from anxiety disorders like post-traumatic stress, obsessive-compulsive disorder or the anxiety can also be generalized.

    • Mood Swings: Another co-occurring disorder which addicts suffer from is mood swings which include depression along with bipolar disorder.

  • Personality Disorder: Addicts usually suffer from personality disorders including being anti-social or being paranoid frequently.
  • Psychotic Disorders: Another co-occurring disorder amongst addicts is that they have psychotic disorders including schizophrenia.

There are Better services Rehab Programs that exist all over the world that help people suffering from addiction. If you are an addict then you should definitely consider joining one of the rehab programs.

Thus from the above discussion, we have an idea of what the different disorders can be found and associated with addicts. Addiction is bad for health and should be treated as soon as possible. Remember the change starts with you.