Effective Ways to Outsmart Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is something that nobody wants to experience, and it can be stressful, awkward and very embarrassing. But there are effective techniques and methods which can overcome such an issue and help contribute to a fulfilling and enjoyable sex life!

It is widely accepted that ejaculation is deemed premature if it happens within four minutes of sexual intercourse, which means that 30% of men can suffer from such an ordeal. There are certain techniques or so-called ‘home remedies’ that can help towards the prevention of this, but it might also be the case for some men, that they will need to seek medication to help with outsmarting it and keeping it at bay for good.

Behavioral Techniques

There are some behavioral techniques which will come in handy for those men who suffer premature ejaculation, which in the long run can help to dispel the issue for good.

The ‘Squeeze Technique’– The Squeeze Technique is a behavioral method to combat the problem, in which one should squeeze the head of the penis for thirty seconds, precisely at the moment when ejaculation is about to occur. You should proceed to continue doing so until you believe the moment of ejaculation has passed and that you have regained control of your orgasm. This process is to be repeated between four and five times and can either be done during intercourse itself or indeed during masturbation.

The ‘Stop-Start Technique’– The Stop-Start Technique can also be useful in combatting the issue head on. The idea is that you should stimulate the penis right up until the point of ejaculation and stop just before you feel as if you are about to orgasm. You should aim to halt the stimulation for up to a minute and start again once you feel the feeling has passed. Again, it is advised that you should repeat this process between four and five times, in which time you have delayed ejaculation enough for it to be deemed premature.

These techniques can work in the short term but of course carry a certain logistical issue, in that it can cause a frustrating stop-start sexual encounter and could indeed prevent arousal.

‘Home Remedies’

There are, however, some so-called ‘Home Remedies’ which can help to prevent the problem. These techniques include masturbation a short time before having a sexual encounter and, simply put, more frequent sexual intercourse. Practice makes perfect! Contraception can not only prevent sexually transmitted infections and diseases but also serve to reduce the sensitivity of the penis, another method for lasting longer during sexual intercourse.

It is estimated that between fifty and ninety-five percent of sufferers who use such techniques and ‘home remedies’ are successful in combatting the issue and overcoming it in the long term.


If however, you are particularly anxious, it may be the case that you should turn to medical support. The primary medication that can be used is EMLA and Priligy. EMLA is an anesthetic cream which reduces the sensitivity of the penis, when applied about twenty minutes before intercourse, while Priligy is a prescription medicine that serves the purpose of helping men gain better control over their ejaculation.

With anything, there will be certain methods which best suit each individual. Follow some of these simple techniques and premature ejaculation will be a thing of the past.