5 important ways to have a healthy pregnancy

We present simple pregnancy care tips that will keep you and your baby healthy during this magical time.

It’s a wonderful time in your life, and you can’t wait to be meet your little baby after a pregnancy testing marietta ga. But before you do, you must ensure that your pregnancy is a healthy, happy one. Here’s what you can do:

#1 Stay away from harmful habits and situations.

You’ve probably heard this a lot of times, but we’ll repeat this pregnancy care tip again: stay away from alcohol, junk food, recreational and hard drugs, and most importantly, cigarettes and second-hand smoke. All of these can adversely affect the growth and development of your baby and make you sick as well. Ditch all of these habits – and social situations where you may be exposed to them – to have a healthy pregnancy.

#2 Keep the house clean with safe cleaning materials.

You might not have the energy to clean the house the way you always do, and maybe you employ help for it. But it is important to stay away from chemical cleaners and bleaches. Inhaling the fumes from these can make you feel nauseous, and they are not good for your baby as well. Invest in a multipurpose antibacterial liquid and mild dishwashing liquid for household use. These kill up to 99.9% germs while being safe for you.

#3 Keep yourself fit and healthy.

The best pregnancy care tip we can give you is to keep yourself fit by exercising daily and keeping your mind as free of stress as possible. An unfit, worried mother can affect her baby’s development in many ways. Practice yoga to relieve the swelling and aches in your body, get your circulatory systems up with walks or even a swim (if recommended by your doctor), and follow your doctor’s prescribed course of folic acid and multivitamins every day.

#4 Eat the right food.

You are now eating for yourself and your unborn child, and the foetus needs as much nutrition as possible. What you eat has a direct bearing on the baby’s development. Obviously, you must eat as much nutritious food as possible, taking care to include all the major food groups across all your meals in a day. Do not double your portions – this will only lead to weight gain and pregnancy complications – but aim to eat about 300 calories more per meal. Consuming fresh fruit and seasonal produce is key.

#5 Be alert to any changes – being hypervigilant helps!

As the pregnancy progresses, your baby will start kicking and moving a little inside the womb. The activity reaches its peak by the time the third trimester starts. After this, be wary of a lull in the baby’s movements, or a change in pattern or timing. Consult your doctor about the slightest fears you may have – an alert mother can save her child from potential distress.