3 Simple Ways to Combat Bad Breath

3 Simple Ways to Combat Bad Breath

Does your “morning breath” last well into the day, even after you’ve brushed your teeth? If you’re suffering from chronic halitosis, or bad breath, it can be more than just annoying; it can actually be a sign that something’s not right. While mints and gum can help mask symptoms, they aren’t the solution to the underlying cause. Fortunately, there are ways you can combat the source of bad breath for a healthier, fresher smile.

Visit Your Dentist

When you make a family dentistry Highland Park IL appointment, you can take one of the most important steps in fighting halitosis. A thorough professional cleaning can help remove stuck on plaque and debris that could be causing odor-causing bacteria in your mouth. Your dentist can also examine your teeth and gums for signs of decay and disease, which can also lead to foul-smelling breath.

Step up Your Oral Hygiene Routine

Most of the time, those unwanted odors are coming from food particles that have become trapped between your teeth. While brushing can remove some of these particles, flossing really is key. Otherwise, those organic food remnants will just start to decompose right there in your mouth, causing an unpleasant smell in the process. Try to brush at least twice a day and floss every time you brush to help keep your mouth cleaner and fresher.

Combat Dry Mouth

Is your bad breath persistent, even with an excellent oral care routine? You could be dealing with the symptoms of dry mouth, a relatively common condition that can lead to halitosis. There are various factors that can lead to this issue, including

  • Genetics
  • Sleeping habits and positions
  • Prescription medications
  • Dehydration or lack of proper nutrition
  • Vitamin deficiencies

If your mouth feels dry often, try using a special mouth rinse, upping your water intake and adding more nutrient-dense foods to your diet.

While bad breath can be unpleasant and embarrassing, you don’t have to live with it forever. Take good care of your teeth and your body and discuss your symptoms with your dentist to help reduce or eliminate bad breath.